• 04/12/22
The real estate market has been red hot for more than a year, pushing prices up in most neighborhoods. The high prices come with pros and cons, though. While it feels like a great time to sell a house, more than 80% of young Americans (18 to 34 years old) say that now is the wrong time to buy.
You might wonder, "How can I sell my home when no one wants to buy in this real estate market?" That's a terrific question. Luckily, a little preparation can go a long way in making the process easier and helping you get as much as possible for your property.

1. The Real Estate Market Is Red Hot Right Now!

The real estate market is red hot right now because supply has not kept up with demand. To some extent, the short supply comes from the high price of construction materials. Developers don't want to build single-family homes when essential materials like lumber cost so much.
The problem might not be as recent as it seems, though. About 12.3 million households were formed in the U.S. between January 2012 and June 2021. During that same period, only 7 million homes were built. The short supply has finally caught up as young people plan to start families and purchase their first homes.
What's important for sellers to recognize is that the U.S. has about 5 million fewer houses than it needs to meet demand. That makes your residential real estate very valuable.

2. You Can Stay In Your Home After You Sell

Low inventory across all price points is driving buyers to get creative when submitting an offer on a home. Post possessions have become an increasingly common negotiation tactic by strategic buyer's agents trying to lock in a deal for their clients. This has been a major selling point for many homeowners who want to sell but need more than the typical 30-day close of escrow to get everything in order for their move. Although each transaction is different in today's market, sellers have more leverage which can provide the opportunity to continue living in your home after the close of escrow. 

3. Find a Moving Company That Follows Safe Procedures

A lot of cities and states are lifting COVID-19 restrictions. The virus still poses a threat, though. Make sure you choose a moving company that follows safety procedures and takes your health seriously. The movers will spend a lot of time in your home, so it makes sense to find a company that enforces safety precautions.

4. Interest Rates Will Likely Increase Soon

Many economists believe that the Federal Reserve will need to increase interest rates soon to combat inflation. It's an ongoing discussion, so nothing is certain. Just keep the possibility in mind. Turning down a good mortgage offer because you demand an excellent one could end up costing you more money.

5. Have a Plan for Potentially Paying Two Mortgages

"Can I sell my home at a high price?" Probably, but it might take a little time to get the price you deserve.
Higher real estate prices mean that you can get more money when you sell your home. The real estate market isn't quite as hot as it was last year, though, so don't expect your home to sell the same day you list it. That might happen, but it depends on several factors, including your location and price expectations.
The higher prices also mean that you will probably spend more on your next home. If your current property doesn't sell quickly, you might need to pay two mortgages for a few months.
You will likely make your money back when you sell your house. Still, you should plan for short-term financial hardship.

6. Work With a Real Estate Agent to Find the Right New Home Quickly

Not everyone finds a new house before selling their current one. Other homeowners experience the opposite problem: the hot real estate market makes it easy for them to sell, but they need to find short-term housing while they search for a new house they love.
You can make some of your money back when you need to cover two mortgages for a few months. You don't get that benefit when you pay for short-term housing.
Work with a real estate agent so you can find a home you love as quickly as possible. You don't want to rush into a decision. Choosing a wonderful new home becomes a lot easier, though, when you have a knowledgeable realtor on your side.

7. Find the Real Estate Assistance You Need!

Are you ready — or at least thinking about — putting your house on the market? Get in contact so we can help you make informed choices that will help you get a great price for your home, find a wonderful new place to live, and avoid a lot of the headaches people associate with moving!

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